Generation of science and technology: V2V

1280px-Driving_Cars_in_a_Traffic_JamYou may think that you’ve heard all of the ridiculous ideas in the world, but alas, you have not. Within the next three years, it is highly possible that all newly produced cars in America will have new technology called Vehicle to Vehicle, or V2V. U.S. regulators are trying their hardest to make it so this becomes the future for cars, but really, if you know how to drive and how to pay attention, we wouldn’t have to come up with crap like this. Vehicle to Vehicle technology will be able to alert you and your car of somebody speeding or of a traffic disturbance within 300 yards of your immediate location. This alert will come in the form of an audible alert or flashing lights on your dash board. Sound stupid or dangerous to anybody else yet? I mean, if you have eyes and if you can be a responsible driver, you shouldn’t need flashing lights and an automated voice telling you there’s traffic or an accident up ahead. V2V technology will only work between two cars that have the new technology. So, if you’re driving a 2018 model and you’re coming up on an accident between two 2000 model cars, well then that sucks. You’re not going to know. You’re just going to have to use
your eyes and common sense opposed to relying on lights and voices providing you with the information.
When you think about it, there aren’t too many ways that automakers can come up with to alert other drivers that there is an accident or speeder in the area besides flashing lights and automated voices. Personally, I think that using such mediums will create even more issues. For older individuals, I’m sure something like that would be a little scary even if they knew that the car is equipped with such technology. For the younger generation, if they have music blasting out of every orifice available in that car and all of a sudden an automated voice is dominating such a small space, it would be responsible for scaring a few people. I just don’t think that it’s something that’s needed. It’s such a shame that simply paying attention and being a good driver isn’t an option. Another issue that is being posed for this new system is that the V2V technology will rely on Wi-Fi. Now, with us being in 2014 and all, everybody everywhere is always hooked up to a smartphone, laptop or tablet. S c o t t Belcher, CEO of Intelligent Transportation Society of America actually went so far as to say that Vehicle to Vehicle technology was, “bigger than seatbelts, and bigger than airbags.” I actually think that might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of America forecasts that when alcohol isn’t a factor, accidents will be reduced by a whopping 80 percent. Call me a Negative Nancy, but I’ll believe it when I see it.