Newly elected ASG officers gear up for training

On June 24-26, the college’s newly elected Associated Student Government (ASG) officers will be attending a leadership-training program at Camp Casey in Whidbey Island. The ASG’s attendance is in preparation for the slowly approaching day when these individuals will be replacing the college’s current ASG members.

The leadership program is designed to teach students and young adults to be better leaders, learning to work well with others, and how to excel in today’s often uncertain job market. Attending the camp is a requirement for any student that will be filling an ASG position, although the program is available to any student that wishes to partake in the camp’s activities as well.

Through the camp, the college’s newly elected ASG officers will be given the chance to meet and become acquainted with one another. As President-elect Joseph Root explained, “we actually don’t know each other that well, in fact, I haven’t even had the chance to meet everyone on my team yet.”

In addition to team bonding, they will have to learn to work and operate together as a cohesive unit while attempting to solve problems, or while working together on difficult tasks.

Camps aside, the officers themselves are doing a lot to prepare for their upcoming roles. Most are trailing the backs of the current ASG members and their prospective roles. The current ASG officers have found themselves juggling the role of “mentor” in addition to their obligations at school and their work as ASG officers. Nonetheless they have taken up these roles gladly, working hard to make sure that the college’s newly elected officers will be fully prepared for their positions from the moment that they begin.

Current ASG President Amanda Alva and President-elect Root best demonstrate this form of succession. The two can be seen together around the college, Root often behind Alva and hanging on her every word.

Root explained that he has a lot of respect for Amanda saying, “I think she is a great leader.” So naturally Root wants to learn from the best. Root also added, “I think Amanda and I will be different.”

Despite the small similarities that may bring them together or slightly separate the two, there is no one better to learn from then the person you’re about to replace. As Root explained, “I want to hit the ground running.”

Root has also made other strides in preparing himself for his upcoming role as president of the ASG; the Tully’s manager explained that he would be leaving his job so that he can fully devote himself to the school.

Another new officer, Luis Sanchez (vice president-elect of equity and pluralism) explained he’s been attending all of the scheduled team meetings, Board of Directors (BOD) meetings, and committee meetings. In addition, Sanchez has been meeting with the college’s current Vice President of Equity and Pluralism Yunita Oesman, who has helped Sanchez learn more about the position and what he can come to expect in the future.

Sanchez also explained that he really wanted to get to know everyone on campus, especially individuals that he would be working with. Sanchez went on the add, “I have meetings set up with Jim Bennett as I plan to meet with him at least once a week and I have started to get involved with next year’s Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration planning.” So while Sanchez and the some of the other newly elected officers may seem “green,” they are anything but and are fully prepared to take over whenever necessary.

However promising these new candidates may seem, some might forget about the individuals that will soon be leaving their positions. One of which, President Alva, had this to say, “Over the last two years I have put my responsibilities to the students first, often times jeopardizing my grades, health and sanity. I have learned so much and enjoyed most of my time serving on the student government, but I am excited to transition back to being only a full time student at the UW and not being involved at all in anything… for at least a year.”

Alva also said, “I want to say thank you to my peers here at Bellevue College for allowing me to serve them as their Student Government President this year. I have learned from so many people this year: students, staff and administrators. For those that will be on campus next year, I am truly excited that you are able to have a great leader come in and be geniunly excited to serve you.”