Ping Pong Club

By Christopher Wood

Ping pong is played the around the world. It is an Olympic event and it is played here at BCC with our own ping pong club.

Inhak Kim is the current President of the BCC Ping Pong Club taking over from the previous president, Peter Chen, who founded the club two years ago.

There is a large membership in the club, but the exact number is unconfirmed.

“I heard there are more than 80 people in the club,” said Kim

The plans for the club include a trip to Oregon for 80 club members sometime in November.

“I have to have tryouts,” said Kim. “Because we can take only 80 people.”

The ping pong club meets every Friday during the open gym in the G building. “We only have one table, which kinda sucks,” said Kim.

The club currently only has one table, which the previous club President paid around $1,000 for last year, said Kim

“Professional tables are better I guess,” said Kim.

The club welcomes all students to come and play ping pong with them.

“Just come play,” said Kim. “It’s just ping pong.”