The next generation of ASG

ASG BOD Lightened


This summer quarter, the new Associated Student Government took their positions and are in the process of learning what will be expected of them in ASG and making plans for their coming term. “We want students to know what we’re doing with their money while we are here, and we want to make this a fun place on campus,” said Melantha Jenkins, ASG president. “We’re really trying to be the face of the student body.”

As the president of ASG, it is Jenkins’ job to guide the rest of ASG, and help them accomplish their goals. Her biggest goal is not only uniting ASG, but trying to unite the entire student body as well. “We’re tired of having the sports clique, the music clique and just the C building clique. We just need to be the Bellevue Bulldogs clique.” Jenkins won’t be doing this alone however.

Maria Jiménez, ASG campus life and events representative, has big plans of her own. “This year, what we really want to do is to get the various groups to work together and not ‘I’m going to work on this project, but I’m not going to include you’,” said Jiménez. “We want the groups to work together so that their projects are bigger and more successful.”

Austin White, ASG justice of external affairs, has a similar goal, albeit through a different channel. “My job is to charter and re-charter clubs on campus. As well, I am in charge of making sure the bylaws are being followed and ethical. [During my term] I hope to accomplish a connection between clubs and other clubs. I would like to see a more inclusive campus, with a variety of peoples supporting the variety of clubs we have.” The goal of unity isn’t confined to unity within the campus.
“[My] position is meant to bridge the gap between our Office of Student Legislative Affairs, the rest of our student government, and other outside organizations such as the Washington Student Association, The Washington Community and Technical College Student Association and others,” stated Teague Crenshaw, ASG vice president of external legislative affairs. Crenshaw’s position was just established this year following the passage of a ballot measure in spring that accompanied the ASG elections.

Hével Fernández, ASG vice president of finance, is in charge of managing the ASG budget. “One of my main goals is to work with the biggest clubs in order to make them more self-sustainable,” said Hével.  “Eventually when all the clubs and programs are closer to that self-sustainability we might be able to lower the cost of tuition.”

Lana Mack, the ASG environmental and social responsibility representative, has similar plans, hoping to open up a food pantry in the C building that would allow students to prepare their own food. It would run off of donations for the most part. Cooking equipment would be limited to microwaves and electric tea kettles and ingredients limited to non-perishable items due to safety and health hazards.

Gabriel Amari, ASG emerging technology and entrepreneurial representative declined to elaborate, stating that “there are a couple of big projects I’m planning on doing, but I’m not planning on talking about them because I haven’t taken the initial steps yet.”

Lastly, the new ASG members hope to be much more involved with the student body as a whole. “We need people to know who we are, that we’re here to serve them.” said Merisol Lopez, ASG justice of internal affairs. “During this term, I just want the student body to be proud of their ASG, to know who we are, and that we’re here to represent them.”

“Facebook and Twitter aren’t the only ways to get information to the students,” said Claire Tai, ASG marketing and public relations representative. “I want to find out what the students really want so that we can better serve them.” Jenkins encourages students to contact ASG themselves. “Stop by our office any time, if you see us in the hallway, stop us and talk to us any time. Wherever you are, don’t be afraid to talk to us. We are here for you; use us.”

Maria Chebanova, ASG vice president of student affairs and pluralism, declined to comment by the time of print. Additionally, ASG Chief Justice Joel Allen could not be reached for comment due to commitments outside of Bellevue College.