Published weekly since 1967, The Watchdog is the student voice of Bellevue College, covering news and issues affecting the campus community, and is written, edited and managed by Bellevue College students.
The editorials that run in the ‘Opinions’ section do not represent the opinions of the student body as a whole, the administration, or the college.
Editor in Chief: Abigail Elperin
News Section Editor: Sophia Keeling
Arts & Features Editor: Jessica Cruz
Social Media Editor: Rory Bankesly
Staff Reporters: Sha’heed Houchens, Gaebriel Manikan, AJ Kapur, Lance Atienza, Kira Lam, Jessica Cruz, Sophia Keeling
Copy Editors: Adam Hansen, Autumn Lapounov, Nalee Senathavilay
Program Manager: Lisa Salkind,
Faculty Advisor: Aaron Day,
Email us at
We publish all letters that fit the following criteria:
- They are from a student, faculty or staff member of Bellevue College.
- They are from the author’s Bellevue College email address.
- The author is willing to have their name published.
- The letter is in response to one of our articles that has run in the last 90 days.
- The body of the letter is under 250 words.
- The letter is legally able to be published under state and federal laws.
The Watchdog accepts submissions from Bellevue College students, staff, and faculty that are either first person experiences or opinions. Articles that are relevant to the Bellevue College community or to college students in general are greatly preferred, along with timeliness and personal experience.
Guidelines for submitting an article to The Watchdog’s Opinions Section:
- Length: 450-750 words
- Type of Article: First person experience or opinion.
- Sources must be included. (see “fact-checking” below). We prefer primary sources (a published research paper) to secondary ones (a news article about the paper’s findings).
- Articles will be checked in the follow ways by The Watchdog staff:
- Spelling and grammatical errors will be corrected.
- Fact-checking: Prior to publishing an article, verifiable facts (for example, the number of Americans without health insurance, the median household income, the date a law was enacted) will be checked. If a particular fact cannot be verified, the article will not be published. The Watchdog may decide that broader factual assertions may need to be qualified, explained or stated with greater precision or nuance. If this is the case, articles may be sent back to their authors requesting changes.
- Contributors can refuse any edit requests and withdraw their request to publish at any time before publication.
- Contributors cannot claim to be working for, representing, or inquiring on behalf of The Watchdog.
- Contributors are not paid for any articles submitted.
- The Watchdog reserves the right to refuse to publish any article, even after clarifications or edits requested have been submitted.
- Please send submissions to:
The Watchdog offers digital advertising opportunities. To learn more, please contact Lisa Salkind at
We do not offer classified advertising.