As Bellevue College nears its 50th anniversary in 2016, various aspects of the school are gearing up to celebrate.
Coming up on Oct. 23, the newly constructed Health and Sciences T Building will have an open house, which will include a tour of the new facilities and programs.
Events will continue throughout the year, including a speaker series, the BC Foundation’s annual luncheon and an anniversary gala. “These events, along with many others, will give us the opportunity to celebrate our current, and future students’ successes and allow us to honor the achievements and hard work of our alumni, and former faculty and staff,” said BC’s Project Manager of Institutional Advancement, Heather Komac.
Not only will this year be an opportunity to engage students, faculty and stakeholders, but the larger community as well. BC Cares Day, for example, will take place in spring 2016. Chances to volunteer will include activities on campus and throughout the city of Bellevue.
Some BC alumni stay actively involved in the school community. Robin and David Nelson, for example, have continued support throughout their life after leaving the school. “They met in class as freshmen at BCC and credit their success in life to their experiences here.” said Komac. Earlier this quarter, BC hosted the Robin and David Nelson Student Plaza Dedication. Past students will be formally honored with the creation of the Alumni Association this year.
While founding president Merle Landerholm passed away only 10 years after the school began, her daughter, Ann Landerholm-Burke has opened up her personal archives to share some photos for the occasion.
The BC library has been a part of the school since its opening in 1966, and it is also participating in the anniversary. In fact, the original library director Boyd Bolvin was “the first hire once they knew they were going to be building a college,” according to Becky Turnbull, who works in Circulation/Periodicals at the library.
One installation the library hosts is an interactive history of technology. This includes everything from typewriters, a black and white television, and early computers through to an iPad. The display can be seen near the media center surrounding a newly created living room space that includes arm chairs for students to enjoy. “This time last year we would be sitting in shelving” said Turnbull. “One of the things we planned for was to make a cozy space.”
In addition to the installation of the sitting area near the tech exhibit, librarian Becky Turnbull says that as part of the 50th they are focusing on adding more “soft” areas for students to study in comfort.
Current and former faculty members have written and been published locally. In the upcoming weeks the library will host a display of 50 of these faculty-published works for visitors to read.
Additional information on upcoming events for the anniversary will be published on the Bellevue College website.