Audition for “Translations”

translations graphicEnglish is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world, topped only by Mandarin. Most people associate the entirety of the United Kingdom under the English language, but Ireland had a difficult transition from Gaelic to English in the 1800s. According to Marcus Tanner’s historical book “Last of the Celts,” when the Roman Catholic Church made a movement to “stamp out any lingering, semi-pagan remnants” in the 1960s, the Gaelic language was threatened.

Tammi Doyle, chair of the theatre arts department at BC is using this period of history to write a production for the BC stage, which she has titled “Translations.”  In so far, Doyle has established that her production will illustrate the re-mapping of Ireland, changing location-names from Gaelic to English and abruptly demanding that English be used for all education. Her piece will emphasize tradition, love, loyalty and learning. Most importantly, Doyle hopes to teach the audience about how language defines and connects us.

Being a part of “Translations” will offer opportunities to practice stage performance, but it will also serve as a cultural study and a tool for historical education. Doyle has also focused on similar themes in “The Foreigner,” which was performed March 7-10, 2012. Both plays illustrate adapting to a new language, culture and society. BC is the home of students from all around the world, making this production relevant to the issues students have on campus.

“Translations” is still in its pre-production phase, and it’s time to recruit actors, crew and student talent for the show. Auditions are being held on from Feb. 26-28 from 2:30-3:20 p.m. Callbacks will follow shortly on March 1 from 2-6 p.m. Students must prepare a one-minute contemporary comic or dramatic monologue. If students wish to audition, they must read the play to be considered for a part. Scripts are available from Tammi Doyle, who can be found in her office in the A building. Rehearsals will begin on April 1 and be on Mondays-Thursdays from 7-10 p.m., with some Sunday practices to prepare for the performances from May 16-25.

If a different audition time is needed, call or email Tammi Doyle to come up with an arrangement. She can be reached at or by phone at 425-564-2319. Signups are posted in the Theatre Lobby.