Incessant patters of rainfall have at last subsided for the past couple of weeks, encouraging students to put aside video games, television and other activities we restrict ourselves to when oppressed by unfavorable weather. Summer is the best time of year to take advantage of the climate outside and opt for a bike ride or a jog instead of the treadmill. Some spend the summer months to set aside bad habits, focus on personal improvement and discover opportunities previously overlooked due to a packed schedule. One resource particularly fruitful at Bellevue College this summer are the produce boxes sold by Full Circle, a weekly conscientious grocery choice supportive of local farmers.
At Bellevue College, an important daily influence on campus is the food we eat and the waste that students produce. The cafeteria is a major area where environmental impact comes into concern. There are many things the school does to encourage healthy eating habits and cut costs. Burgers on campus are all no-hormone, grain fed and local. Green Mountain Café and Tully’s coffee are both served on campus fair trade and organic.
Full Circle has been able to explore unique avenues in providing unprocessed food rooted in the importance of growing organic products. They offer a variety of organic produce and artisan goods, with opportunities to customize each box and bring Farm-to-Table value directly to Bellevue College.
Rainbow carrots, Honeycrisp apples, Crimini mushrooms, Valencia oranges and Muscat grapes are just a few of the produce choices that are offered. Over 400 certified organic products are included to make a nutritious diet accessible on campus.
Full Circle’s mission promise is “to participate in the development of a healthy future for people, wildlife and the environment by growing, sourcing and providing food fostered with integrity, all while celebrating the good food life.”
The availability of fresh produce options has already been greatly appreciated by Elizabeth McCann, student at BC this quarter. “I take the bus from Bellevue to North Bend, and it’s really long. When the booths were out in front of the C building a couple of weeks ago I bought a box of radishes,” she said. “They had a great spicy flavor, and I enjoyed a couple of them on the bus ride back home.”
Members of the Bellevue College Faculty have also recognized the significant sustainability improvements supported by Full Circle produce. Freda Pongetti, mathematics instructor, said, “the great thing about this idea is that students are given access and a visual connection to the food they eat. They can make the choice to reduce produce imported from other places, which minimizes the environmental damage from shipment.”
Purchasing fresh food and making a commitment to healthy eating habits are very beneficial choices to make as a student. Sustaining the environment is a difficult, boundless task, but students can accomplish much by implementing environmentally friendly purchasing power behavior. “Its better for students to choose fresh food on campus than resorting to fast food due to convenience,” said Freda Pongetti.
Full Circle Produce is currently selling boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables in the Teacher’s Dining Hall in the C building every Wednesday.