The following is a response by Bellevue College student Dana Hanchett to the opinion written by the Jibsheet’s Kim Petrie in the last issue [see here].
Dear Kim,
As Assistant Sports Editor, I’m surprised you didn’t stick to what you know. I doubt an instructor learned in Spanish and Italian can be defined as ignorant. If she was, she wouldn’t have been hired to teach your peers. I have no idea what took place at the talent show, but I do know that it is inappropriate to attack a teacher for standing up for her own beliefs. If indeed the freestyle rap was disrespectful towards women, she should be applauded for bringing its attention to the student body. Since when has free speech been an excuse for disrespecting women? I can’t go around spray painting naked bodies on buildings because I consider it beautiful art. There are limits and guidelines to public behavior, which is why some albumns are sold with explicit labels. Furthermore, you point out that Beatrice should not have spoken on behalf of others, yet in your own article, you stated: “We’re constantly bombarded by vulgarity, so how is it that so many of us continue to maintain an air of decorum and respect? Because we know at the end of the day, the only person we are held accountable for is ourselves, and we act accordingly.”
Speak for yourself Kim. I’m not constantly bombarded by vulgarity. Who’s the hypocrite now? You’re right– I know that I’m held accountable for myself, which includes how what I say or do affects others. Shame on you!
Dana Hanchette