The Neurodiagnostic Technology program, or NDT, is looking for volunteers to have their brain scanned.
This on-campus program is searching for people who are willing to help their fellow students learn how to properly attach and run an Electroencephalogram machine, or an EEG. EEGs are used to read patient brainwaves and diagnose a variety of illnesses; from seizures to headaches to even brain tumors.
It is important that those students in the NDT program can properly operate an EEG, and allowing students to practice the harmless procedure on willing, live subjects can go a long way in increasing student proficiency.
If a student would like to volunteer their time, there are a couple stipulations. First, the EEGs are only done on Thursdays and Fridays. Second, EEGs can take some time. Attaching the diodes can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, and it varies from person to person. The EEG itself can also take up to an hour, so give yourself ample time for the test.
To schedule your EEG please contact George Juszynski, a member of the NDG faculty, at george.juszynski@bellevuecollege.edu.