The world is your oyster. Bellevue College Study Abroad offers students many options to study abroad year-round. Countries included are Spain, Denmark, Costa Rica, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Japan, U.K., France, Morocco, the Netherlands and Scotland.
Applying for a study abroad program is simple. Those who wish to apply for a program led in Germany, Ireland, U.K., Denmark and Costa Rica should start their applications with the instructor who is leading the program. The rest of the BC study abroad programs are ran by the Washington Community College Consortium of Study Abroad. For students who want to apply for a WCCCSA study abroad program, please contact BC study abroad coordinator Li Liu at li.liu@bellevuecollege.edu to learn more information.
“Everyone who is attending BC should apply [to the study abroad programs],” said Liu. “Studying abroad has taught people different cultures,” Liu continued. “For anybody who studies abroad, the most precious experience is the culture immersion into a different cultural experience.”
Many people who have studied abroad have used their precious experiences to change their lives. “For anyone who studied abroad, they usually said that they returned as a different person. They have accomplished amazing projects, and they have this belief that there is nothing they cannot do in the future because of this experience,” said Liu.
The Bellevue College Study Abroad program is an ongoing program that has existed for almost two decades. The cost of studying abroad might scare some, but there are scholarships available at https://www.bellevuecollege.edu/studyabroad/scholarship-resources/ for those interested. “I am trying to advocate for access, and I do not want students to think about studying abroad is an opportunity reserved for students who have the money to go. There are always scholarships available and there will be shorter programs that ask for lower cost,” said Liu. “Definitely come in and talk with me, and we can find out whether or not it is a viable possibility for you to study abroad. I encourage everyone to consider this as a part of their academic experience,” added Liu.
Among the 12 study abroad programs offered for BC students in 2019, Andrew Johnson, a business professor, will lead an international business class – BUS 280 in Spring 2019. BUS 280, Advanced Studies in International Business, is a research class that compares U.S business practices with their global counterparts.
“Every spring we go to a different country. This spring, we are going to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France.” said Johnson, who has been leading this study abroad program for almost two decades.
BUS 280 meets once a week, and the group completes a research project. Everyone writes and reads each other’s research proposal before they takeoff. They do research in the U.S. and Europe. After coming back from Europe, they write a paper. “Anybody who is interested in international business, learning about different cultures, trade should participate. We will have some sight-seeing led by the tour guide, and some time to work on the research project,” continued Johnson.
For students who are interested in studying abroad, please visit the BC Travel Study Abroad website at https://www.bellevuecollege.edu/studyabroad/ for more information.