After you’re done figuring out your classes, paying your ridiculously high tuition and going school shopping, there is still one more step that burns holes in your pockets: buying books.
Although buying books may not seem like a hassle, it is actually one of the most frustrating parts of starting a new quarter, where waiting in line for over an hour becomes a huge possibility.
Not only are there ways to prevent having to deal with this, there are ways to prevent spending a ridiculous amount of money on books. Here are some outlets that will help you do so:
Ask your teacher:
Something that has helped many others and me is asking your teacher if you even need the book. Some of the time, the teacher will tell you that as long as you come to class and take notes, you won’t need the book.
This relieves a lot of stress and can save you a lot of money. You can also ask your teacher if they know of anyone from their previous class that is selling a book.
Jibsheet Classifieds:
Thejibsheet.com has a classified section where students can buy and sell books from other students.
BC For Sale Board:
If you didn’t find a book that you need in the Jibsheet classifieds, there is a big bulletin board in the left hallway on the way to the cafeteria where students post ads to sell old textbooks.
Chegg.com allows you to rent, buy, and sell used books.
You will most likely find the best deals by looking on either of these sites because they have a wide variety of books on all different subjects.
Half Price Books:
Definitely check out Half Price Books because they are cheap and, although they are used, they won’t be damaged.
Bellevue College Bookstore:
This is a last resort. If you really cannot find the book you need, then you can go to your registration page online. In the bottom right corner, there is a way to look up the books you need for the courses you’re taking.
You can rent books if you want, but if not, definitely try and get all your books used. They will not be in bad condition and will be a lot cheaper than new ones.
Although college books are expensive, they are still necessary for success at school. Use any of these outlets and you are guaranteed to save money buying books and make money back by selling them later. In other words, make the expensive, inexpensive.