In honor of Earth Week, BC’s Fashion Club hosted the Eco-Friendly Fashion Show, with fashion styles and clothes designed from recycled materials. The show took place in the cafeteria on Thursday, April 19, at 11:30 a.m.
The show began with a DJ on stage playing remixed songs like “Moves Like Jagger” and “I’m Sexy and I Know It.” The cafeteria’s usual stage had been moved and rearranged into a runway for the models. The show started a little late at 12:05 p.m. The team was putting together the finishing touches on the clothes, but when they came, they were ready. Fourteen models walked single-file down from the Student Programs to the cafeteria in an array of designs and materials, which consisted mainly of newspapers and trash bags.
The designs were elaborate with everything from headdresses, roses, fans and masks, to bow ties, vests, suspenders and arm bracelets. One dress consisted entirely of trash bags and formed a newsprint baby doll dress; another skirt was pleated with a newspaper rose on the side.
The models themselves looked like they were having a good time, laughing and posing for pictures. The ladies strutted their stuff down the runway, while the men made the crowd scream by removing their shirts on the runway.
“Everyone liked it, so I guess it was a success!” said Michael Yoon, President of the Fashion Club and host of the event. “I’m glad, because we worked on it for two months. This is our fourth fashion show.”
Yoon also took part in the runway show, being the last model to walk. He wore a newspaper thong and bra. After the show Yoon explained that he and the other designers created every piece by hand. “Everything was very intricate. It took lots of hard work.” It was evident by the minute details of the roses and necklaces that Yoon and the others had put a lot of thought into the designs.
Another fashion show is coming up in May. In honor of Asian week, the Asian Fashion Show will take place on May 7. More details to come.