My first day at Bellevue College consisted of getting lost, sitting way too close to the front and meeting maybe five people at most. It was a pretty depressing way to start the school year. Of course, I became more familiar with the campus, and now, I can chuckle at myself and my silly mistakes. But in all honesty, I would have loved to know how to improve my experience. Here are some things I wish I knew as an incoming freshman.
Social Tips:
- There are a ton of clubs on the campus. Become involved. I didn’t join any clubs until late in the school year, but by doing so, I met a ton of people. If I had joined a club earlier, then I would have known more people throughout the school year.
- Another way to meet people is to get to know your classmates. Exchange numbers. Miss a class? You have a buddy to help you catch up. Or you could just use it as an excuse to get the number from the cutie beside you.
- Look on the bulletin board on the first floor of the C Building. People will post housing, textbooks for sale, tutoring and sometimes even people looking to carpool.
Academic Tips:
- Map out your route between classes before school starts. Sometimes teachers will let you out a little late, so if you have two or more classes in a row, you can still get to your next class on time.
- It is a bit silly, but where you sit on the first day of school really matters. There are no assigned seats, but people sit where they want and generally stay there for the remainder of the quarter. If you sit where someone has been sitting for several days, then it could become awkward for you and that person.
- Get to school earlier than your class start time. Sometimes finding a place to park your car can be very time consuming. Walking into class late is not the best way to make a good impression with your professor. This is not high school. Professors will not hold your hand and let you turn things in whenever you feel like it.
- Along with being on time, don’t just sit there aimlessly. Be present. Engage in the class and make the best of the curriculum. Some teachers will dedicate a portion of your grade toward participation.
- Review the syllabus your professor provides. It will be a very useful resource throughout the quarter. Make sure you have fully read it and understand how you will be graded and what you are expected to do.
Take Advantage Of:
- In the N Building, you can print unlimited, but sometimes, you don’t always have time to go all the way over there and then head to your next class on time. In the C Building on the first floor, there is an area where you can use a computer and print up to five pages for free. I always go there to print essays or quick documents.
- If you’re in an English or Math class, go to the math/writing lab. These are excellent resources. Tutors are available to help you prepare for your class and succeed.
- Make sure to access ratemyprofessors.com
- Schedule an appointment with an advisor to make sure you are taking the right classes and see how you can achieve your goals.
Have fun at Bellevue College. Make the most of it and do well. The people you meet here can end up being your best friends.