Remember a time in elementary school when you would go to the supermarket and bump into your teacher? Without fail, you would instantly think, “Wait, teachers are real people, too?”
Now that your in college, you’re given your professors’ cell phone numbers and emails, and are encouraged to talk to them as if they are your equal. After all, you’re mature now.
You are even given the chance to take a look into their minds and observe it through their art. The Faculty Art Gallery gives you the opportunity to do just that.
October 6 marked the opening reception of BC’s Faculty Art Gallery, which showcased various works of art by the Visual Arts Faculty. The exhibition displayed all different kinds of works, ranging from bronze sculpture, ceramics, charcoal, painting, and mixed media.
Some of the artists included in the gallery include Linda Thomas, Ross Brown, Karen Eaves, Pat Decaro and Lars Husby, whom I was able to chat with.
Lars Husby is a native Washingtonian and has been teaching at Bellevue College since 1983. Husby presented several ceramic structures in the gallery that were inspired by architectural structures, which only makes sense since he originally majored in Architecture at the University of Washington. He quickly switched over to Ceramic Art, however, after discovering his love for sculpting clay.
He went on to receive both a BFA and an MFA in Ceramic Art from UW and, after working in The Richard White Gallery and assisting in the UW Art Woodshop, he has been teaching Art, Basic Ceramics, Art 2-D Design, as well as Art Appreciation at BC.
You can see several of his pieces, exhibited with the other members of the Visual Arts Faculty, at the Art Gallery in room D-271 until October 29. The Art Department holds two shows a quarter, ended with art presented by students.
The event includes free appetizers and sparkling water to enjoy while you immerse yourself in culture and creativity of the minds you walk amongst everyday.