The Student Programs provides many opportunities for students to get involved with the school activities and events. The Student Programs holds a range of activities and opportunities that allow students to strengthen their leadership skills.
Student Programs is where the offices of the many Bellevue College programs are located. Programs such as Associated Student Government (ASG), Black Student Union (BSU), El Centro Latino (ECL), Campus Activities Board (CAB) and others have their coordinators and representatives stationed on respective office hours.
When I entered Student Programs for the first time back when I just transferred, I felt uncomfortable. I did not know who to talk to so I could get involved with the school activities. One day, however, I walked in on an event organized by the Latin American Culture Club (LACC) and El Centro Latino and met new people who were actively involved with the Student Programs.
That time I felt really wonderful because I finally found my way to enter the Student Programs without feeling uncomfortable or intimidated, since I already knew some people from the El Centro Latino.
After getting acquainted with my new friends at El Centro Latino, I began to wander around and found out about the different programs at the Student Programs. I discovered and signed up with Peer2Peer, which is a volunteering program that allows students to gain different life experiences while volunteering.
Getting involved with Peer2Peer was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I signed up for their three-day program, which is to help new students transport and get familiarized with the campus during the first three days of the quarter. During the program, I learned a lot about communication, especially communicating with people from different ethnic backgrounds. I became more confident when talking to people. I also became more confident in myself. While getting involved with Peer2Peer, I was also still actively participating with El Centro Latino.
My involvement with Student Programs did not stop there, I volunteered at the International Student Association’s (ISA) International Night. There, I performed a traditional Indonesian dance together with the Indonesian Fellowship Club (IFC) and volunteered in decorating for the event.
I felt happy to be involved with ISA because the program is aimed to make international students like me feel welcomed and supported.
My accomplishment would not be possible if I had not been involved with the Student Programs this past year. I encourage everyone to get involved with Student Programs to experience the enjoyment of working with people from diverse backgrounds.