Yesterday marked the start of Spirit Week with the Club Bash. Many of the BC clubs got together for a huge celebration. Clubs ranged from BC Glee to BC Ski and Ride. Hopefully you stopped by, met a ton of new people who share the same interests as you, and if you are not already in a club, are interested in joining.
Today is the BC’s Got Talent competition. It’s too late to sign up, but definitely come and watch your peers show off their unique talents. The competition will take place from 10:30-1:30 on the cafeteria stage. The prize? A $100 Bellevue Square gift certificate and a basket.
Tomorrow, there will be no school. Woot, woot! Not only will this give you a day to catch up on your work and maybe even take a break from your work, think about how you want to show your school spirit for the rest of the week.
Thursday will be the Game Fest and the Crazy Hair Contest. During the Game Fest, there will be competitions with the BC sports teams playing against the students. Cheerleaders will be cheering on everyone to show their support and bulldog spirit. At 11:00 make sure you are present in the cafeteria to enter the crazy hair contest and win prizes.
Friday will be Fright at BC. There will be contests and trivia in the cafeteria from 11:30-12:30. In addition, our mascot, the bulldog, will be named at noon. Students have been writing down options for a name. The top names have been posted online and will be open to online voting from now until Thursday at noon. Vote for your favorite name here: http://bellevuecollege.edu/surveys/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=l23L592
Be sure to purchase your tickets to the BC Halloween Dance on Friday. The tickets will be sold in the Business Center in C105. Right now, prices are $7 and will cost $10 if purchased at the door. The dance will take place from 6:30-10:30pm in the cafeteria. There will be a haunted house, DJ, make-up artist, costume contest, food, and glow sticks. Wear a fun costume and be ready to have a night of fun.
Throughout the week, wear blue and silver everyday to display your school spirit and receive prizes. Your demonstration of spirit will be noticed throughout campus by all, but the best place to be recognized and more likely to win a prize is in the cafeteria. Prizes range from candy bars to buttons to sports bags! Everyday will have a different prize.
If you have any questions about Spirit Week, come to student programs with your questions or e-mail asgcle@bellevuecollege.edu.