October 7 -11 was Homecoming Week on the Bellevue College campus and the school put on a plethora of fun activities for students to choose from. Despite cold weather and a bit of rain, the turnout was pretty good and a lot of students participated. One big hit was the All Access Pass activity, which was a first this year. Students were invited to pick up a pass on campus and received an official stamp for attending each of the various activities, and students who submitted a photo of their stamps page by Friday were entered to win a BC gift basket.
The Bulldog Pantry Food Drive was also held last week. It was a competition to see which department could collect the most food items, with the winner taking home the prestigious traveling trophy for the year.
All of the homecoming activities took place on campus, including the homecoming soccer match which was open to participation from students, staff and faculty. There was also the PSE Lightning Fair held in the C building which offered information and products for making homes more efficient. Students were offered a special rate on energy saving lighting, thermostat kits and a water saving kit. BC also hosted a produce stand where students were able to purchase local and organic vegetables at special prices.
Always a hit, several food vendors were on campus with the “Brutus Eats!” food trucks in the C building courtyard, and a pedal smoothie stand where students were invited to use bicycle-powered blenders to mix themselves organic smoothies free of cost. Friday morning, the President’s Cabinet also served complimentary breakfast burritos, sponsored by Student Programs.
BC also hosted the KBCS 91.3 FM Live studio stream on campus all week where the DJ was able to speak with some students and spin some tracks. They also broadcasted a live in-studio concert featuring Tekla Waterfield.
Other notable homecoming events included Gov. Gary Locke’s speech on campus about Affirmative Action, the BC on Wheels parade and a planetarium show, the Hopelink transportation lunch, a BC Women’s Volleyball game and the Pajama Jam Dance Party in campus housing among many others.
Coinciding with homecoming week was the end of the AORE campus challenge, which was a four-week competition among about 100 universities and colleges across the nation. The goal was for each school to see who could log the greatest number of student and employee outdoor fitness activities in one month. The contest ended Oct. 13 and the winners have yet to be announced as of print time.