How BC helps you transfer

SOURCE: BC Academic Advising Facebook

Application after application after application. As time goes on we ask ourselves if transferring is even worth it with all the forms and paper work we have to go through. But even though the transfer process can be long and tedious, there is one thing you can count on as a support system: Bellevue College.

When first entering the college, whether you have never had college experience or you’re here to gain some more credits, the college is there to guide you through the process from the very beginning.

After applying for admissions and taking your assessments or determining your English/math placement, every student should meet with an advisor. The advisors are great, because from the get go, they sit down and discuss with you what your goals and objectives are in regards to transferring. If you want, together you can map out a two year plan towards getting your AA degree. They also inform you about programs available on campus to help you succeed while part of the college and beyond.

Bellevue College also provides students with the opportunity to meet with advisors from local universities, like the University of Washington Bothell, and discuss a plan with them to get from BC to their campus.

And for all you Running Start students, every once in a while BC offers workshops to aid with SAT and ACT preparation, but for the most part, you can find assistance through your high school or College Board.

In addition, Bellevue offers different programs on campus like FYE (First Year Experience) where students are given a general idea on how to increase success, use different resources on campus, and told about personal counseling and what to do if they are falling off track.

Workshops on campus that are there to help are located in the Academic Success Center in room D204. There you can find the writing lab, math lab (which also provides online tutoring), reading lab and tutoring, where there are always people to help you out in any subject. Also if you travel to the S building (science), you can attend the science computer lab which provides tutors as well.

BC doesn’t just help students succeed while attending the school and after, they also make sure you can pay for your next level of education. The college offers a variety of scholarships. One can apply online at as well as through the Bellevue College Fund Foundation.

All this and more information can be found in the B-building on the top floor above the bookstore.

We not only attend a school with an amazing academic program, we attend a school that really cares about the success of its students. Bellevue College is a great place, and no matter where the next chapter of your life takes you, you can know for sure that BC helped you get there.