If you could bring back one celebrity that passed away, who would it be and why? May 5, 2016 Peter Im Opinions 0 Davis Ralie: “John Lennon, he was an amazing guy. I think he died a little too soon, great guitarist and an amazing singer.” Art Sanders: “George Carlin, the comedian, because I didn’t get the ticket to the last show he was alive because I waited, thinking I can watch him the next time. Also, Johnny Cash, his music spoke to me.” Davis Ralie: “John Lennon, he was an amazing guy. I think he died a little too soon, great guitarist and an amazing singer.” Faith Foreman: “Michael Jackson, just because he is one of the bigger ones and his music was loved world-wide. He was an iconic figure.” Matthew Schnackenberg: “Jimi Hendrix, because he is the greatest guitarist ever. He changed a lot how guitar music was played and he inspired me to become a better guitarist.”