The American Public Transportation Association has named King County Metro as the best large transit system in North America.
King County Metro is leading the nation in public transit advocacy organization, citing achievements in ridership, safety, access, customer service, financial management, commitment to equity and sustainability.
A new app, Ride2 Park & Ride, released by King County Metro is a new shuttle app that began Oct. 23, 2018 that helps facilitate bus commuters from their bus stops to their destination of home or work.
This is starting at the county’s largest park-and-ride. The shuttle is operated by Chariot and Ford Smart Mobility that goes to and from Eastgate Park-and-Ride in Bellevue, WA. According to King County Transportation, customers can “board one of 15 Metro and Sound Transit bus routes at the Eastgate Park-and-Ride, which is typically full each weekday morning even with 1,600 parking spaces.”
This year-long project will be tested for free for the first few months, then will cost the same as a standard Metro bus ride. Bellevue College’s Location and Map page has several links and tips for BC students to look into.
At Bellevue College there is a $1.70 per credit fee, $17 max/quarter, that goes toward the funding of the BC parking garage and subsidized student bus passes. This makes it possible to double student’s transit money value through the ORCA Plus program which are listed at values of either $60 or $120.
For students who want the $60 option, they need to be registered in 5 credits. Students must be enrolled in 10 credits for the $120 option. Bus passes can be purchased at the Student Financial Services office in B126.
ORCA Lift and the Regional Reduced Fare Permit both provide assistance to those who qualify for reduced fare, meaning $1.50 a ride rather than the standard $2.75 adult fare.
In order to qualify for reduced fare, students must first demonstrate eligibility at Metro Customer Service for or the King County Public Health. From there, students can then purchase a Commuter Check in B126.
This new shuttle service app will be available during peak traffic hours, specifically on weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m. and from 4 to 8 p.m. Passengers must be 18 years or older to use this app.
According to King County Metro, the Ride2 Eastgate operates in a 2- to 3-mile area, on the E side of Interstate 90 meaning, Somerset, Factoria, Lake Hills, and Lakemont neighborhoods.
Approximately 44,000 residents and 31,600 jobs will be within this shuttle apps transit radius.
Don Constantine, King County Executive said, “We are embracing mobile technology to provide our customers with convenient first and last mile service to reliable transit. Our on-demand shuttle service will make it easier than ever for commuters throughout King County to get to work and home again each day without having to drive or park.”