Bellevue College’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning and Allies Resource Center is located in the back right-hand side of Student Programs, in the C Building, room C212. The fall quarter hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Ron A. Rodriguez Jr., student coordinator of LGBTQ Resource Center, commits the center to supporting the campus community through resources, events, education and visibility.
Although we are known as the LGBTQ Resource Center, let it be known that we stand for LGBTQ rights and the queer politic. We stand with the people who stand with us, those in our community and those allied with our community.
Through the Center’s members, including allies, the Center aims to raise awareness about issues impacting the LGBTQ community to put in motion necessary change. The center’s focus is to support Bellevue College’s “Affirmation of Inclusion” while bringing about awareness of the existing intersectionalities that exist in our pluralistic, multi-cultural communitiy.
Bi-weekly meetings have not yet been scheduled, but tentatively they are slated for Tuesdays and Thursdays on the first and third week of every month to cater to students’ varying schedules. These times are subject to change depending on student availability. We aim to use some of the meetings to update the public about what we are doing and some of the meetings to educate the public about our communities.
We will start with a huge kick-off event: LGBT History Month in October. The Center is sponsoring multiple events to celebrate.
One of the days of LGBT History Month is National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11. The corresponding event will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on that day.
“Spirit Day,” which is observed on Oct. 17, is a day dedicated to raise anti-bullying awareness. We ask everyone to wear purple that day to honor the victims of bullying.
Various events are in the planning stages in collaboration with other student programs. The LGBTQ Resource Center welcomes volunteers to participate in these events.
Volunteer leadership positions in the Resource Center will also be available for students that show an interest in becoming more involved with the Bellevue College community, especially those that participate in functions offered through the Bellevue College Leadership Institute.
Visit us in Student Programs for more information.