It’s that time again. That dreaded period which comes every year where all that is on your mind is filling out the annoyingly long FAFSA, college applications, and worrying about your future. Not to mention you still have to stay focused on your current classes in the meantime.
I know, this whole process can be unbelievably stressful and overwhelming. So let’s clear up a couple things about transferring to ease your mind at least just a little bit.
Your GPA and major are the only factors colleges look at for admissions.
Although academics are important and having a major may make organizing your classes easier, when it comes to transferring these are not the only thing scolleges look at. Applications definitely consist of more than just two questions asking your GPA and your major. Schools not only want to know your academic side but also your personal side—who you are. According to the Ohlone College Transfer center, having an elaborate major won’t get you into a college alone. Your major shouldn’t be “a strategy for gaining entry, but a reflection of your academic interest.” It is students who express “a sense of purpose, passion, identity, and /or make contributions outside of the classroom” that have an advantage and are looked at as excellent students AND individuals.
So when filling out applications, focus a little less on your academic success and try to show schools what makes you unique and a great person (which you are!).
Few credits transfer when switching from a community college to a university.
This is true, if you’re taking a ton of random classes and aren’t planning everything out right. This is why it is important to go to the B-building to advising and talk to an advisor about what your interests are and what you are thinking about majoring in. After talking to them, get an “unofficial degree completion form,” whether it is for arts and sciences or business, and look at all the courses you can take and see which ones transfer and which don’t.
Choosing the right classes before you transfer is probably one of the most important pieces of advice you can receive while going to a community college. Doing so will help you get organized and on the right track towards your degree, and if you transfer, you already have an idea of which credits will transfer as well.
Hopefully this eases some nerves and you can go into transfer week a more calm and confident you.