In honor of the fabulous fall fashion week, this week’s myths are aimed at eliminating every rule that limits you from wearing what you want and looking absolutely awesome!
You can’t wear white after Labor Day.
My first question is who came up with this bogus myth?!
I have probably heard this about a million times around this season every year to where it some has what become a saying instead of a known “rule.”
Why limit yourself to what are considered “fall colors.” This goes for any color or shade.
Even spring colors can be worn in any season if it looks good.
Not only does white match with everything, it is very sleek, sophisticated, and can really upgrade an outfit from simple to clean and tasteful.
Trust the words of Ken Downing, Neiman Marcus creative director, on shoptalk.dmagaizine.com when he says, “Keep the fabrications appropriate to the season, and you will always be chic.”
Tall women can’t wear heels.
I absolutely hate this rule because there are taller women out there that think they are limited to sandals and flats when there is so much more out there for them.
Lets face it, the purpose of heels isn’t just to add some height, they make your legs look amazing, make your whole physique look sexy and, as TLC Style appropriately observed, “they add a little strut to your walk.”
They are a perfect way for you to step up your outfit to a classier look.
All the models you see walking down the runway are tall and wear heels. And you know what? They rock them!
So for all the women over the height of 5’6’’, whenever someone tells you that you can’t wear heels, tell them that rules are for followers and you set your own rules and look fabulous doing so!
As long as you’re confident in what you wear, rules never apply (for the most part at least).
But before I leave all you tall women out there with a new hope for expanding your fashion options, I do have one little thing I would like to get off my chest: Heels, old jeans and North Face sweaters do not mix!!!
I don’t know how many times I’ve seen girls commit what should be the worst judgment in style since crimped hair.
I don’t have the heart to address these ladies face-to-face so hopefully you are reading this and realize I am talking directly to you.
Now that these myths have been debunked, hopefully shopping will become a little more exciting, and your closet a little more fruitful.