As a kid, you were probably asked what you wanted to be when you grew up. Astronauts, ice cream testers and professional ballerinas were some of the most common responses among wishful kindergarteners. Now that we’re in college, it’s probably not very realistic that munching on ice cream all day will be a career to pursue.
If you’re still undecided about what major you’d like to declare and nothing in particular sparks your interest, then you should consider some rapidly growing occupations.
According to careerinfo.net, the fiftieth fastest growing occupation from 2008 to 2018 will be that of accountants and auditors. If you are interested in reviewing accounting records in order to prepare financial statements, provide your advice, or audit and evaluate statements prepared by others, look into accounting. BC offers different levels of accounting (Principles of Accounting I, II, and III). In addition, BC has the Institute for Business and Information Technology with many other business related classes and options. Go to the BC website and look at the Associate in Business- DTA/MRP degree worksheet and meet with one of BC’s advisors to figure out what classes to take to obtain your degree.
Moving up the list, the twenty-fifth most rapid growing occupation will be mental health counselors. A whopping 5,010 jobs are projected to open. If you enjoy counseling with individuals and groups to promote optimum mental and emotional health, then consider taking one of the many psychology classes.
Just in case you didn’t know, BC has a nursing degree and will have you take classes anywhere from intercultural communication to maternal/child nursing. These classes are extremely useful if you are interested in becoming a physician assistant, which is the sixth fastest growing occupation. Physician Assistants complete physicals, provide treatment, counsel patients, and sometimes even prescribe medication.
Here’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. The number one most rapid growing occupation is Biomedical Engineers. They use their knowledge of engineering, biology, and biomechanical principals in order to create biological and health systems and products such as artificial organs and medical information systems. Take some of the biology and engineering classes that are offered here at BC.
What is important if you are undecided is to take all of your classes not with the intention of earning an easy A or just getting credits, but to actually consider if what you are learning is something you may be interested in for the future. There are so many occupations out there. You are doing the right thing already simply by attending BC. Take classes that interest you. You may end up having a job that involves what you learned about in class.