Alyssa Brown / The Watchdog
By: Zachary Rodan
Who has seen the beauty of a cold December morning
The colors of the sunrise flow like streamers from the mountains
Leaving them silhouetted against a clear green sky
While painting clouds in myriad purples and reds
Who has seen it?
We surround ourselves with buildings
Hide our faces in our phones
And never look at our surroundings
Lest we might see the unexpected.
The fields of green are covered in frost
The trees like sculptures dark and dancing
The sparkle on our windows like a painting made of crystals
Who has seen it?
We hide the frozen fields from view
Bemoan the icy roads
And scrape the crystals from our windows
Without even looking once

Alyssa Brown / The Watchdog
To celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Week at Bellevue College, the Spoken Word Poetry Club held an hour-long open mic poetry event in the cafeteria for anyone in the BC community to share their spoken word on their thoughts about MLK week.

Alyssa Brown / The Watchdog
Led by Rita Baker, the Spoken Word Poetry Club aims to include writers and poets of different backgrounds of the BC community. “Open mic nights and poetry slams are inclusive to everyone and exist to encourage writers to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences to an audience of poetry lovers in the incredibly expressive form of spoken word,” according to the club’s profile on the BC website.

Alyssa Brown / The Watchdog
Other events were held during MLK week. On Monday, BC students attended the MLK March at Garfield High School in Seattle. Throughout the week, there was a presentation on undocumented students, a keynote speech by guest speaker Rosa Clemente and a light lunch and discussion focusing on King’s speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.”