The UW TransYouth Project

April 27, 2018 0

A federal grant has been provided to National Science Foundation, Alan. T Waterman award winning psychologist Kristina Olson, who will use her five year 1 million dollar grant to expand […]

DACA workshops at BC

September 27, 2017 0

Recently, yet another change has been made to the U.S. governmental system under President Trump and his administration. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – better known as DACA – […]

Student health: Mumps

April 18, 2017 0

Since April 14, 285 cases of mumps have been identified in King County, with 140 being confirmed and 145 being probable cases. Out of those cases, 150 are 17 years […]

BC DECA wins state, moves on to nationals

April 18, 2017 0

DECA at Bellevue College has won the state competition this year, moving on to nationals for the team’s third consecutive year. Bellevue DECA took nationals successfully the previous two years […]

Absurd reactions to Trump

February 7, 2017 0

Donald Trump’s presidency really is going better than I could have imagined. I’m not talking about what he’s actually doing in office, I’m talking about the liberal reaction. I know […]

Luis Ortega shares his past

October 25, 2016 0

El Centro Latino invited Luis Ortega, founder of Storytellers for Change, to come to Bellevue College on Friday, October 22 to tell his story about being an undocumented immigrant in […]

Evolution of the Seattle coffee scene

May 17, 2016 0

People all around the Seattle area are area enjoying coffee, sometimes as an essential part of their day. “I drink coffee every morning and every lunchtime and sometimes also in […]

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

January 28, 2016 0

In celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, students from BC attended the 34th annual MLK Jr. Celebration Rally and March, which is traditionally held at Garfield High School. On […]

Q&A with King County Health Department

January 19, 2016 0

Since it began in 2013, Washington HealthPlanFinder has helped insure 1.5 million people in the state of Washington, which equates to 1 out of every 5, according to the website. […]

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