BC’s Speech and Debate Society

March 26, 2014 0

On Saturday, March 8 through March 9 Bellevue College’s very own speech and debate society competed against some of the Northwest’s best debaters in the Northwest Parliamentary Debate Championships. The […]

Healthcare penalty deadline approaches

March 21, 2014 0

Under the Patient Protection Act and Affordable Care Act, often referred to as “Obamacare”, penalties for not having enrolled in an insurance policy go into effect as of  March 31, […]

Minimum wage: Solution or problem?

February 26, 2014 0

  Over the last six years, the economy has been in the news almost daily. The housing bubble, bailouts, taxes, Occupy, recession, recovery, too-big-to-fail and healthcare have been buzzwords that […]

OWL: Organization of Women Leaders

February 3, 2014 0

The inspiration to the forming of the Organization of Women Leaders stemmed from a few individuals such as Takhmina Dzhuraeva, leader of OWL, Giulia Bolzola, Gabriella Ginzalez, Leslie Mayo, and […]

Teaching above and beyond

July 23, 2013 0

To the common person, the thought of jumping out of an airplane would likely cause the hair on the back of their neck to rise, but to one of Bellevue […]

Black metal in our backyards

June 11, 2013 0

Metal music as a genre has rarely had any significant mainstream exposure, with the notable exception of some popular bands in the 70s and 80s like Black Sabbath and Iron […]

Seattle’s piano extravaganza

June 4, 2013 0

On Saturday, May 11, Seattle’s Benaroya Hall hosted the Sixth Annual “Ten Grands” concert. The night was filled with beauty, inspiration and some of the best music our local composers […]

Kim Wyman visits BC for Civics Week

May 14, 2013 0

On Wednesday May 8, Washington State Secretary of State Kim Wyman visited Bellevue College. Wyman has been visiting several colleges around Washington state, talking to students about how they can […]

BC jazz choir welcomes Greta Mustassa

April 15, 2013 0

On Friday, April 5, Bellevue College’s Jazz Ensemble “Celebration” performed their first concert of the quarter in the Carlson Theatre. As their mid-year concert, Thomas Almli was the jazz conductor […]

Undocumented, unafraid and unashamed

April 8, 2013 0

On March 13, Andrea Torres, an undocumented student at Bellevue College, celebrated the passing of the Washington DREAM Act through the Washington State House of Representatives. She, along with BC’s […]

BC students lobby for the environment

February 25, 2013 0

On Feb. 19, 2013 from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Bellevue College students and 24 of the state’s leading conservation groups gathered in Olympia, Wash. to lobby for the safety […]

Science Cafe: Zombies

December 3, 2012 0

Zombies do exist, and Washington State is currently in the middle of an expanding infestation. Mutant creatures are being behaviorally altered, acting in inexplicable ways before dying grisly deaths, their […]

Men’s soccer season is over

November 19, 2012 0

The soccer season here at Bellevue College has come to an end.  The team fell short of their hyped past, however, ending the season with a record of three wins, […]

Should you work while going to school?

November 6, 2012 0

According to thecollegesolution.com, 23% of full-time undergrads age 24 or younger work 20 hours or more a week. The reason? Well, the fact is college tuition fees tend to increase […]

OSLA reminds voters with Phone-a-thon

November 6, 2012 0

The Office of Student Legislative Affairs has just finished an intensive campaign to increase voter turnout among Bellevue College students. The campaign began with student volunteers assessing the level of […]

Proposition 8 coming soon to BC

October 8, 2012 0

On Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m., Bellevue College Theatre Arts will present a one-night-only staged reading. This reading may only be one night, but it will go down in BC […]

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