There may be a new degree program for Data Analysis at Bellevue College in future quarters. BC programs provide courses for students who wish to focus on business analysis without becoming deeply involved in technology.
“Bellevue College is in the initial stages of planning this degree, and the program will not be ready for enrollment for more than a year,” said Leslie Newquist, Director of Applied Baccalaureate Development at BC. There are currently three applied bachelor’s degrees available now, including Radiation and Imaging Sciences, Interior Design and Healthcare Technology and Management.
Humans compute data on a daily basis by analyzing visuals such as weather charts, the triangle diagram for a healthy diet and even score tables for the Olympic games. Taking courses on data analysis can enhance the understanding of advertisement, statistics, and the ‘big picture’ that surrounds facts.
Every year, more students become interested in learning how to use technology that supports business intelligence. Courses in Business Intelligence are currently offered in the classroom and online.
Students gain skills to analyze data concerning the environment and operate as a team on business intelligence and data warehousing projects in business courses.
The brain is the master serjeant of the body, but it operates radically different in different people. Some have described this as a right-brained versus left-brained scenario. Curiosity has led many to check out animated graphics to determine which side of their brain is more prominent. The simple test is usually an image of a dancer, which spins clockwise or counterclockwise depending on how you examine it.
Left-brained people respond best to verbal instruction, and solve problems logically and sequentially by drawing on previously accumulated, organized information. Right-brained people respond best to demonstrated instructions, and solve problems by looking at patterns and configurations.
Studying data analysis is an effective way to learn how to compile facts in a way that is informative and effective for both right-brained and left brained students. The degree will give you the tools necessary to examine details and patterns that are clustered with images. This pleases both the detail oriented left-brained and meets the visual needs of the right brained student. The more senses you can incorporate into comprehending an idea, the more you can learn.
The Business Intelligence Analyst certificate is designed to prepare students for entry-level business positions in a variety of industries.
Even stand-up comedian Demetri Martin uses visual representations such as graphs, charts, and tables in his presentations. He brings his “legal pad” to every show, which depicts the compilation of graphs and charts to relay information in a way that is comedic. You may not be mathematician or scientist, but learning how to represent data is a useful skill in every field.
The Business Intelligence Analyst certificate requires the completion of several different courses, which can be completed in the minimum of three academic quarters. Students are expected to take Business Fundamentals, Multi-dimensional Analysis, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Introduction to Statistics, Statistical Anaylsis, and an approved elective.
For more information regarding Bellevue College business intelligence and data analysis programs, visit the webpage at http://bellevuecollege.edu/programs/degrees/proftech/busit/#busitanalyst