News Articles
Board of Trustees decide on new laws, degrees
On Wednesday May 20, BC had one of its regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meetings. The board’s duties include setting the college’s strategic direction, establishing policy for the college, and […]
A story of hope from the CEO Program
When one hears the letters ‘CEO’, a few things might come to mind: Power, success, or perhaps prestige. Anttimo Bennett, current President of the Associated Students of the University of […]
Visiting alumni return to guide and inspire
The Business Leadership Club organized the Alumni Night on May 20 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Over 30 students and alumni attended in cafeteria rooms C120 A and B. […]
ASG Report: 5/19/2009
On May 19, the Associated Student Government (ASG) held their weekly board meeting, which began at 3:33 p.m. Despite the absences of board members Vicki Ma, vice president of finance […]
In Brief: Hearing on ASG elections, Used book drive, BC Reads program
Student Political Platform meeting On May 28th, the legislative committee will be hosting an open forum for students to develop a collective political platform in N-201. The platform developed at […]
News Briefs: Nominees announced; mental health forum sponsored
Nominees announced for annual award Bellevue College has announced the 2009 Margin of Excellence Award Nominees: Kristen Connely, Patrick Beardsley, Larry Boykin, Ryan Collier, Jan Ng, Julie Soto, Hristio Stoynov, […]
College hosts spring UW transfer fair
On Tuesday May 12, representatives from the University of Washington (UW) came to Bellevue College campus to inform students about transferring and to talk about the many different programs and […]
ASG Report: 05.12.2009
On May 12, the Associated Student Government (ASG) held their weekly board meeting. Due to the absence of board members Chapman Cheuk Hei Chung, the marketing and public relations representative, […]
‘Unethical’ campaigns get none disqualified
The Associated Student Government Election Committee announced Wednesday that it has opted not to disqualify the two newly elected officers who admitted to behavior found unethical to get votes during […]
ASG Election Results
Joseph Root elected ASG President […]
‘Who are you?’: A review of BC Identities Week
Monday, May 4, the College’s cafeteria was crowded with bustling students, live music, impromptu dancing, and dozens of booths set up for the College’s many clubs and other services and […]
Bellevue College plans for next few steps
On Monday, May 4, two budget information sessions were held in order to describe budget recommendations for next year. These were held at 9:30 a.m. in the Library Media Center […]
ASG Report: 05.05.09
The May 5, 2009 Associated Student Government (ASG) meeting began at 3:30 p.m., with no corrections to the agenda and an announcement that Burke Colquhoun, emerging technology and entrepreneurial representative, […]
‘Intimacy Remixed’ Review
Come Monday, UK band Bloc Party will rerelease their third studio album Intimacy, remixed and revised. Entitled Intimacy Remixed, the album is chock-full of synthesized glitch-rock, Congo drums and blasting […]
BC instructors get the class out of the classroom
The Greeens Project is part of Bellevue College’s involvement in Washington Center for Undergraduate Education’s the curriculum for the Bioregion initiative. The college was awarded a seed grant to initiate […]