Childhood memories are always dear to one’s heart. The toys, the food and the music—they need not be too intricate; even the simplest of things can stir up the most pleasant nostalgia.
While the board game you absolutely love may not be in production anymore and that favorite candy bar of yours no longer tastes like it used to, tunes from your childhood will always stay the same.
Indeed, music has been scientifically proven to trigger powerful recollections and can bring you back in time to a particular phase of life.
On Friday, June 8, the Bellevue College Music Department is going to bring to you the Spring Choral Arts Concert “Kidding Around” that highlights “A Disney Spectacular,” and if you are one who likes to take a stroll down the childhood memory lane, this is an event you don’t want to miss.
The “Kidding Around” Concert will start at 7:00 p.m. and the Bellevue College Concert Chorale directed by Thomas Almli, Director of Vocal Music Activities and BC Music Department Chairman, will be performing their 2012 Spring Invitational Concert in the Carlson Theatre.
Also performing will be Bellevue College’s Class Voice Singers directed by Brennan Baglio. According to Almli, every year there is a theme for the BC spring concert, and this year, the music selection revolves around kid-themed music, including picks from Disney movies and classical choral music.
Guest group of the night will be the Chamber Choir from Thomas Jefferson High School, conducted by Laird Thornton. The Chamber Choir will be performing music from “Schubert, Spirituals and Songs.”
The BC Concert Chorale performs every quarter and it took the BC Music Department the whole of spring quarter to organize the “Kidding Around” concert. “It will be great, fun and an awesome way to see BC student talent,” said Almli.
Besides Concert Chorale, other music groups at BC also give quarterly performances. So, music lovers, look no further for concerts and recitals because you may not be aware, but BC actually has a lot to offer when it comes down to music.
Tickets can be purchased prior to the event through www.brownpapertickets.com/event/234981 or 1-800 838-3006, or the day of starting 6:15 p.m. at the door. It is $10 for the general public and $7 for students.