Students were forced to evacuate Bellevue College on May 16 due to a threat made against the campus and a student. Dr. Weber sent an email to all of campus stating, “I am writing to notify the campus of a recent series of concerning events. There was a disturbance on campus yesterday afternoon in a B Building classroom, and Public Safety quickly responded. Today the college was made aware of related threatening statements sent by email later that evening. Public Safety contacted the Bellevue Police Department, and they are conducting an investigation.”
Around 3:00pm later that day, Weber sent an email to update students on the situation. The second email called for the immediate evacuation of everyone on the North and South campuses, as BPD and Public Safety led an open investigation to find the student perpetrator.
The suspect, eventually identified as Shawn White, was apprehended in Duvall on the same day. The 18-year-old student threatened to “shoot up” Bellevue College. White faced felony harassment charges, but recently posted bond. He still is facing 2nd degree assault charges for breaking a police officer’s nose during his arrest.
As a direct result of the threats, the campus will see an increased presence of police and Public Safety officers. “Given the disruption from last week’s closure, Public Safety is working in conjunction with Bellevue Police department to provide additional security via extra patrols on campus. You may also notice an increased Public Safety and police presence on campus throughout this week.” Dr. Weber informed.
Dr. Weber also reminded everyone that counselors are available in student services to provide support to students, staff, and faculty.
Photo by Penny Yeh