Today, everyone from senior citizens to youthful first graders will be sharing stories about how they found love to what makes a relationship spark. Valentine’s Day, a half-assed attempt at a holiday where people still go to work and children still go to school, has been a day where couples go on extravagant dates and talk about how much in love they are with each other. It’s a fine day, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also an event that could be better spent alone.
This year my Valentine’s Day will be all about me. I’ll spend my morning and afternoon doing the regular stuff that should’ve been cancelled such as school and homework. Then, as the moon rises and romance stinks up the common air, I’ll mask the scent with spicy Korean barbequed pork, some intoxicants and a bath. Before those festive celebrations, I will first reflect on my past year and review my mistakes and successes. I’ll create a guide for how I can improve this year and even make some reasonable goals. Therefore, Valentine’s Day, to me, is known as Self-Love Day.
For those who’ve never celebrated Self-Love Day, it’s fairly simple: just put one’s self first. It’s not rocket science and in no way is it being selfish. People might say that Self-Love Day sounds very similar to New Year’s Day, especially with the self-reflection, and I agree. Self-Love Day is simply a day in the year where one has to reflect on how well they’ve been on track with their goals from New Year’s. It’s a day to ensure that all the idealistic goals made on New Year’s are reachable and on task. Without Self-Love Day, when else can someone extensively review their self?
Some may think that Self-Love Day can only be celebrated if a person is single. However, that is entirely untrue.
Couples can surely celebrate the day as well. It’s all about balance. Start the day with a fun, sexy brunch with the significant other. End the day with some alone time. This method works well when reversed. It’s exhausting constantly trying to please other people and it’s equally important to recharge and restart the day.
I’m not against couples and Valentine’s Day. Couple should celebrate their connections and their love for each other with grand gestures on a single day. It’s great and also enjoyable for each person. However, on Valentine’s Day, when grocery stores are packed with roses and chocolates and TV commercials are all about pleasing one’s significant other, it can be depressing for people who aren’t in a relationship. Therefore, for those who are single, they shouldn’t spend an entire day feeling sad and bitter about the idea of love. They should instead use that time to celebrate how great they are. Self-love is as important as love for others.
I’m no Valentine’s Day Grinch. I love the idea of love and I enjoy every holiday. However, single people are doing Valentine’s Day all wrong. It’s one day that could be spent in self-improvement, exploring self-interests and enjoying one’s favorite pleasures. It should be a day that can be entirely dedicated to one’s self. There’s really no other day in the year for that occasion so why not make Valentine’s Day a celebration of yourself?