No matter if you’ve been on campus for two years or five, you can’t deny that there are a few things you want to do before you leave.
Yes, the BC campus is small and we are only a community college, but there have been some interesting and questionable things that happen here. At least a few times a quarter, especially holidays, BC always comes through with something makes students do a double take.
From random people dressed up in big furry costumes to people blowing confetti in your face, if you pay attention, there is a lot to see.
But for all the graduates, there is good news: The year is not over. There is still plenty of time to conquer all the things you may have on your BC bucket list. And if you have never thought of a BC bucket list, get ready to have some fun.
This list is not for the mentally sane, so if you aren’t into doing weird things or having others stare at you like you’re crazy, stop reading now.
Dress up as a mermaid, or merman, in the fountain. You absolutely can not say that after years of passing the fountain, you have not thought of jumping in it. For what? No reason. You would be able to say that you have gone in the fountain, and that is satisfaction enough.
Start a food fight. Ahh yes, the classic cafeteria food fight. If you’re lucky enough you have been involved in one. But for most of the population, the thought of that is no more than a mere daydream.
Out of everything you can do, this is probably the easiest. Not to encourage bad behavior, but if you get enough people into it, you can have a blast (at least that’s what the movies make it look like).
Go to a BC event outside of school. I know at times we just want to get out of school and never come back unless we have to, but it turns out BC has awesome and fun events outside of normal class hours.
The BC drama department puts on entertaining shows that are filled with some great actors and actresses (like our arts editor!).
Different club events can be really fun too. You learn a lot about the supported cause or origin of the club, and many of them benefit students. And the fact that there is usually free food is a plus!
There are a ton of ways to get involved in all that BC has to offer, don’t regret that you never did.
Relax in the locker room sauna. Did you know both the locker rooms in the gym have a sauna? You’re not alone. It is the back corner. It is unclear if anyone actually goes in it, but why not do it? Sounds like a perfect end-of-finals treat.
Switch all the keyboard letters in the computer lab. I’m just kidding. Don’t do it. Even if it would be funny to watch people…
For many, BC was either the great transition you needed, or the place that opened up many doors. Even if it was stressful at times, it will be missed. Don’t leave without checking off your BC bucket list.