The problem with having problems

Over the break many of us made resolutions to We need to stop making New Years’ resolutions. hold and keep for the new year, but what is the point of it all if nearly all of us give up or forget about them by the beginning of February?

We make New Years’ resolutions as a way of saying “I am going to be a better person this year and here is why…” But how many of you have seen them through, and if you do fulfill your promise to yourself, did it truly make you a better person?

Nearly everybody makes resolutions and nearly everybody will either forget about them or just give up on them. So what’s the point? All we are doing is setting ourselves up for failure. You need to stop saying you’re going to do something and actually do it. If you want to lose weight this year don’t spend your time telling everyone that your going to lose weight, get out there and do it. You gain nothing by dragging your heels and saying,“Oh I’ll work out tomorrow.”

At the end of the day we all want to be better people in some way or another, but if we truly want to live more fulfilling lives we can’t tell ourselves to be better people we have to show everyone else that we are a better people and that we will not fall victim to the distractions of modern life. Go out there and prove to everyone that you are better and become the person that you wish to be. Make a promise to yourself, to not be what you think is your lot in life, but to be the person you want.