Time Management for Working Students

Photo Courtesy: Pexels by Jeshoots.com


The night this article was due, I was exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open, much less write an entire article. So I asked my editor if I could turn it in the next morning. Because of that decision, I not only got a good night of sleep, but also wrote a better article than I would’ve if I was fatigued.

Communication is underrated. Seriously, many people will be very understanding of you and your situation if you ask for help or for a project extension. It shows that you’re not slacking off, but need some extra time to handle your work. Try to ask earlier rather than later if you can, as last-minute requests may not look good.

Studying on Breaks

During winter and summer break, you’ll probably have some more time on your hands. Unless you’re planning to go on vacation, studying during your school breaks could make a big difference. You could try emailing the professors of your classes next quarter to see what textbook you’ll be using to read ahead. 

You can also use free learning platforms such as Coursera, Khan Academy, and edX. LinkedIn Learning is another resource that’s free for Bellevue College students and King County Library Card holders. For those learning programming, you’ll have a variety of free resources available to you.

Studying & Working Remotely

Transportation takes time. Whenever you’re driving in traffic or bussing, it can take up a huge portion of your schedule. A solution to this could be studying while taking public transportation, but that isn’t helpful for drivers. 

This is why you should consider taking Bellevue College’s online courses. I’m sure you have already taken some of them, if you aren’t currently doing so. As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, more courses and jobs will go in-person. For jobs, try negotiating with your employer for a hybrid or fully online job, if you can do so.

Staying Healthy

Staying healthy is extremely important. Getting sick is time-consuming. It delays your work and decreases productivity. That’s why you need to get an adequate amount of sleep and exercise, eat proper meals and perform other acts of self-care. I’m sure you heard this way too many times, so let’s make it more realistic.

Get quality sleep. According to the Sleep Foundation, “sleep quantity measures how much sleep you get each night, while sleep quality measures how well you sleep.” Even if you’re getting enough hours of sleep, you can still feel fatigued if you get poor sleep quality. Try to build a consistent sleep schedule, manage your stress levels and avoid electronics an hour before bed.

If you don’t have enough time for exercise, then invest in a standing desk. Mayo Clinic also suggests “[taking] a break from sitting every 30 minutes.” Even if you’re super busy, give yourself extra time to stand up for a quick stretch every now and then.

Lastly, eat proper meals. This has always been a challenge for me, as I would get so focused on work that I forget to eat. That’s why I schedule my meals during meetings and lectures. It’s not ideal, but it does the job if you seriously have no time.

Cutting Commitments

Don’t skip this section. It’s very important to know when to stop. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and cut out some commitments. Maybe you can’t handle your school schedule anymore, so you’ll have to study part-time instead of full-time. That’s okay. Take it easy on yourself. 


There are many things you can do to manage your time. Find what works for you and take it slow.