It isn’t the chorus of Jingle Bells, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, or Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (as if people actually do that) that gets me into the holiday spirit. It isn’t the snowy cold weather, decorating the Christmas tree with my favorite ornaments, or hanging stockings on the fireplace.
Oh, no, no, no. It is a simple yet seemingly ugly article of clothing that gets me into the gorgeous holiday spirit. I’m talking about the quintessential Christmas sweater. What could be better than an ugly Christmas sweater to remind you of going over to Grandma’s and unwrapping that beautifully packaged box, only to find an ugly knitted scene of a reindeer frolicking through the air?
As a child, I wouldn’t think anything of these sweaters. I mean, all I thought was, “Hey, now I have something to wear to Christmas dinner, and it’ll keep me warm!” Now, as a stylish adult who prides herself on picking the perfect Christmas celebratory outfit, I just cringe at the thought of unwrapping that old sweater from Grandma every year, and putting it on over my trendy, cool outfit.
What amazes me even more so is that this same ugly sweater that can be found in an array of different designs, textures, and colors is now what people look for in Goodwills and thrift stores. Some thrift stores like Redlight even charge as much as $40 to purchase these sad excuses for garments. Not to keep dwelling on the age of the hipster, but really, you guys are the ones keeping this heinous tradition alive and it needs to stop.
Scenes of a Christmas tree and a bunch of wrapped multicolored presents, snowflakes, reindeer, and a huge rosy-cheeked Santa Claus can all be found in all their splendor across your chest. Is this is what some people call fashion? You cool 20-somethings find it stylish to go to a vintage store or Salvation Army, spend way more than the sweater is worth, and wear it with your skinny jeans and Toms. That is such a statement right there…
These sweaters are taking over, and even keeping up with technology with their flashing twinkly lights complete with a portable battery pack.
These ugly sweaters have created such a following that there is even a whole website dedicated to selling various Christmas sweaters at low prices, but not low enough to make it OK to actually purchase this horrible article of clothing. The site is called www.uglychristmassweaterparty.com, and is dedicated to selling different accessories such as the detachable twinkly lights, the actual sweaters at OK prices, and encourages throwing these ugly sweater parties. They suggest websites to send out e-vites, and even have a slide show of people partying in ugly turtlenecks and sweaters. There is even a whole collection of sweaters called “Ugly Nightmare,” all available for you to purchase for someone you hate this holiday season!