The Bellevue College Associated Student Government, or ASG, acts as the voice for students of Bellevue College and works to ensure students participation in college governance. Starting on Monday, Oct. 8, ASG asked all BC students to vote for the ASG President and Vice President for 2018-2019 school year.
There are currently four candidates running for ASG President, and two candidates running for ASG Vice President. Results from the elections will be out tomorrow, Oct. 17.
ASG is recognized by the Board of Trustees as the sole representative body of Bellevue College students. Through the ASG, students have a voice to assure that student issues and concerns are heard. ASG officers gain leadership and executive level experience such as leadership training, decision making, fiscal management, and conflict management. Student Government also keeps students informed about administrative or legislative policies that directly affect the student body.
ASG is fully supported by BC staff, faculty, administration and trustees. Students who participate in student government help establish campus policies, allocate service and activities fees, serve on college and student committees and evaluate student programs and services to meet the changing needs and interests of the students.
ASG Public Relations Representative, Marijke Thomas, said, “I am responsible for the production of ASG publications, with the goal of promoting ASG or ASG related activities within the college community. My primary objective is to build brand awareness and engage students to follow us, interact and tell us what they want to do to make the college environment an fun, safe learning environment while respecting social and cultural diversity.” She encouraged students to follow and like the Bellevue College Associated Student Government page on Facebook to get the newest information on campus.
This is Marijke Thomas’ last year at BC. She wants to make a difference in the 2018-19 school year. She hopes to promote and encourage creativity, be passionate, listen and communicate more effectively. “In October, I’m also working on creating a student ASG blog site for students to share their success story,” says Thomas. She looks forward to having students share their stories on ASG social media. She is available for contact at asgpr@bellevuecollege.edu for more information.
ASG Secretary I-An Chen’s main job is to attend Board of Directors meetings, ASG executive council and constitution and review committee, make the agendas for the meetings and record the minutes. Chen says, “I hope that ASG can let more students engage in the college, serve as a platform to hear all the students’ voice and make Bellevue College a more diverse and vivid campus.”