Mid-year leadership retreat just around the corner
8:30 a.m., Dec. 8, will mark the beginning of this year’s Mid-Year Leadership Retreat. This retreat, held every year right after the end of Fall quarter, is a activity provided […]
8:30 a.m., Dec. 8, will mark the beginning of this year’s Mid-Year Leadership Retreat. This retreat, held every year right after the end of Fall quarter, is a activity provided […]
There has been a lot of news lately about Governor Gregoire, Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, and politics on the federal level, but not as much about Aaron Lainge, Patti Mann, […]
The recent Stop the Raid on Student Aid campaigns on campus aren’t the only ways BC can petition lawmakers to save higher education; the Office of Student Legislative Affairs (OSLA) […]
Whenever I’m feeling down and I need a good laugh, I go watch a horror movie. I get that that may seem a little counter-intuitive – or make me seem […]
Student programs are facing a 30 percent cut. National financial aid is looking at a 50 percent reduction. Tuition is expected to rise another 20 percent, a 70 percent increase […]
Two weeks ago, those new recycling bins have been a presence in the cafeteria. They seem like regular recycling containers , but really they are special receptacles dedicated for composting, […]
It’s been just over a decade since 9/11, and that event permanently shaped American culture. In a discussion chaired by Professor Trevor Tate of the Political Science division, a group […]
Tall of stature, solemn of face, gray of hair… That is the usual stereotype for a City Councilman. But 20 year old BC student Abshir Mahamed is defeating the stereotype […]
Books, tuition, fees… the woes of every college student can be wiped away for recipients of a Bellevue College Foundation scholarship. The BC Foundation has just opened up registration for […]
Almost every young person has a Facebook account. Everyone watches YouTube. Everyone uses Google. These social media outlets are more than just fun ways to connect: they are actively involved […]
Duct tape is more than the reliable tool that can fix anything it’s applied to. A little known fact is that this super durable tape’s properties are not limited to […]
Since the Occupy protest movement started in Wall Street in late September, it has spread to over 1000 cities across the nation, including Spokane and Seattle. Occupy Seattle began two […]
In times of budget deficits, education has always been an easy place for the government to cut funding. With the latest $2 billion shortfall in state revenue, the governor had […]
On October 8, a brisk Saturday morning, a small crowd gathered outide the gym to witness the rededication of the building to the Courter family as a thank-you for their […]
Here at Bellevue College, the vast majority of students are attaining an Associate’s Degree to transfer away to a four-year university. Many students transfer to an in-state school; namely, the […]
I am not a fashionable person and it’s served me just fine. Even though I work on The Jibsheet and this is the fashion issue, I still can’t bring myself […]
On Wednesday, September 28th, the President’s Staff and the Bellevue College Planning Council met for a special session to discuss what is to be done about the newest 23 percent […]
On September 15, The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) met in Olympia and declared a state of financial emergency for all community and technical colleges in the […]
Three months ago, the state reserves seemed to be abundant and healthy, and Governor Gregoire approved a $32 billion government spending plan over a course of two years. However, the […]
Almost exactly one year away from the next presidential and gubernatorial election, state voters in Washington were recently polled. The results of this poll show that, although most of the […]
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