8:30 a.m., Dec. 8, will mark the beginning of this year’s Mid-Year Leadership Retreat. This retreat, held every year right after the end of Fall quarter, is a activity provided by the Bellevue College Leadership Institute to improve students’ leadership skills. This year’s theme is, “It’s All About Choices!”
Gerald Brunce, a planner of the retreat, said, “All students are welcome to attend and participate. To attend, students must sign up at the front desk at Student Programs. The retreat will be limited to about 100 students, so sign up early.” The deadline is Dec. 1.
The Mid Year Leadership Retreat will be exploring topics such as personal growth and teamwork. The retreat is one full day, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Students will be given lunch and breakfast provided by the BC Leadership Institute and have this chance to connect with their peers.
This retreat will approach the subjects of wise decision-making, personal growth and teamwork in many different ways; the curriculum for the day includes a combination of presentations, group work to promote teamwork, scenario exercises, and reflection on everything the students will learn.
They plan to talk about wise decisionmaking in the context of situations, alternatives, consequences, and assessments.
Brunce said, “It will be an experiential learning opportunity.”
The keynote speaker will be Kristen Hayden, the founder and executive director of OneWorld Now! (OWN) , an organization whose tagline is, “Developing the next generation of global leaders.”
OWN is an award winning online program that believes in giving leaders of the next generation a chance to develop their skills. OWN provides training in leadership and languages to students studying abroad and has given over 1000 young leaders a chance to shine.
On its website, OWN declares its goals: “OneWorld Now!’s vision is that every young person, especially underserved high school students, has access to critical language studies, leadership development, and study abroad opportunities.”
The Bellevue College Leadership Institute organizes several retreats over the course of the year, including leadership conferences in Wenatchee, the Camp Casey four day summer retreat, monthly leadership sessions, day-long quarter leadership intensives, and the Mid -Year Leadership Retreat.
The overall goal of all the events put on by the BC Leadership Institute is to help BC students develop skills, build character, become more civically responsible, grow in ethical conduct, learn how to empower others, and learn more about diversity and pluralism.