There are only two weeks left this quarter. It’s almost the holidays, but BC students and faculty are already preparing for school in winter quarter by planning out schedules and working with transportation.
Something that many students are taking into consideration as they plan their schedules for next quarter is the inevitability of cold weather; Phoebe Poon, an international student studying mass media, said, “I chose classes that end earlier because the winter weather is so cold at night.”
Auric Kaur, another BC student, had a similar problem: “Classes are inconvenient as it gets dark outside fast,” she said. “Winter quarter is going to be cold, challenging, and crucial.”
BC Student Emily Petryk is not coming to campus at all; “With the weather so cold and wet, I’m taking all online classes,” she said.
A La Nina winter is in the forecast; lots of snow may be falling, and unexpected storms are quite possible. Public Safety officials recommend signing up for the BC emergency alert program on the BC Public Safety website
This program sends texts and emails to registered students and faculty, informing them of unplanned school closure due to weather, emergencies, or public safety issues. All students’ school emails are added by default.
Students were concerned with more than just the weather; after the first quarter of paid parking, some students are reevaluating transportation. Business student David Byrne said, “I’m trying to find other ways of transportation rather than pay for those parking stickers.”
Kaur agrees; “I plan on carpooling,” she said. “Prices have hit the roof with everything you have to pay for these days.”
Poon will be riding the bus next quarter as well.
But there is more to next quarter than weather and parking; classes are the most important aspect. BC Business adviser Danny Pham said that the most common mistake students make as they get ready for upcoming quarters is not understanding prerequisites.
“They’re not touching base with the universities they want to attend,” said Pham. “They don’t realize that there are specific classes they need to take.”
Pham also noted that students were putting off their math classes.
“It ties back into not knowing what’s going to be required,” he said. “Some degrees require as many as eight math classes.”
He went on to talk about how poor planning could result in all easy classes in one quarter and all difficult classes in another.
Pham said that the best advice he could give to students was “in general, planning. Even if you end up changing from your plan, it’s good to have one. The academic advisers are there to help you plan.”
Academic advisers are available often on campus, either by appointment or through drop-ins. Drop-in advisers and office locations are available on the white board in Advising and Counseling, above the bookstore.
Advising and Counseling is also in charge of setting up meetings between students and advisers.
Winter quarter is coming up; registration has just begun, and classes are filling up fast. The advisers are always willing to help students create an academic plan, and Public Safety officials are keeping students up to date on winter weather alerts. There may still be a month until winter quarter, but students are already prepared.