Please state your name, age, high school attended and favorite tennis.
Jazmin (nickname Jazi), 18, Kentridge Highschool, singles
What initially sparked your interest in tennis?
My grandpa (Winfred Lim) was very into tennis so he taught all his kids to play and so my mom taught me. She would toss a large plastic bouncy ball to me when I was 4 so that i could learn how to hit the ball.
How long have you been playing this sport? And where at?
I’ve been playing tennis since middle school. I play outside by the courts by my house, but I have membership at Boeing Tennis Center.
What’s the primary reason you are playing for the Bulldogs tennis team?
I am playing for the Bulldogs so I can stay in shape and meet new people. The team seems really nice, so I expect it to be lots of fun.
Outside of tennis, what are your other interests or hobbies?
Outside of tennis I love to cook, watch movies, shop, hangout with friends, watch volleyball. I have a new interest in learning more about football too, so that I’ll be able to understand the superbowl hahaha! I’ve been trying to watch all the games cause I wanna be Super Bowl ready!
What would you like to do with your future in education? Are you planning on getting a specific degree? (Basic overview).
I would like to become a dental hygienist. Im going to get my AAS then I’m going to dental hygiene school and maybe after dental hygiene school I’ll get my BA in dental hygiene.
What’s the single most unique thing about you?
Im part hawaiian so my middle name is Kahulilikeaonalani which means “dazzling bright light that brightens the heavens” and yes, I did make my teacher say it for graduation! hahaha!
How are you feeling about the future NWAACC playoff games and what is your attitude going into each competitive match-up?
I just plan to have fun, stay positive and try my hardest for all my matches.
Whose your favorite tennis athlete? and for what reasons?
I love ROGER FEDERER!!! He is such a great athlete (he has 5 set matches and he never looks tired, I wish I was like that hahaha), he has great sportsmanship and he proves that hard work can get you great results.