Bellevue College ASG Announces Election Winners

Daniel Ngoy, new ASG President. Photo courtesty of BC ASG

Last Wednesday, after a week of food trucks and voting events on campus, the Associated Student Government announced the winners of the Presidential and Vice Presidential elections. Daniel Ngoy will take over as President for the 2024-2025 school year, while Daniella Salima was chosen to serve as VP.

The President and VP of the ASG are elected members of the Board of Directors, while the other seven members are appointed. The 9-person ASG Board of Directors then leads the Student Government Senate as well as other campus programs to act as a voice for BC students. The ASG handles issues related to fees and sustainability programs in collaboration with other campus groups. The goal of the ASG is to provide a voice for students while strengthening diversity and engagement. 

The President of the ASG is responsible for leading and advocating on behalf of the organization as well as overseeing the work of other ASG officers. Meanwhile the VP is responsible for assisting the President, taking over in the case of absence of the President, as well as serving as Speaker of the Student Senate. 

Daniel Ngoy, the elected president, served as Executive Justice for the ASG during the 2023-2024 school year. Ngoy desires to create an inclusive and diverse community on campus and has represented BC at the Washington Student Association, advocating for legislative bills to benefit students across the state. The elected VP, Daniella Salima, served as an ASG Student Senator during the past school year, as well as a Parliamentarian for the Black Student Union. To learn more about the winners, visit the 2024-2025 ASG election site

The ASG Gala is scheduled to occur on June 6 from 5-10pm in U301. This event is open to all BC students and will feature food, a DJ, and photo booths. During this event eight awards will be presented such as Athlete of the Year and The Bulldog Spirit Award. To nominate fellow students for these awards check your BC email or click here

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