The Bellevue College Neurodiagnostic Technology (NDT) students are looking for volunteers willing to sacrifice two hours of their time to undergo an electroencephalogram (EEG). In layman’s terms, an EEG is when small metal disks, called electrodes, are placed on one’s scalp. The EEG records a person’s brain waves so that doctors can identify if the person has any abnormalities.
I have undergone many EEGs because I have a condition called epilepsy. EEGs cause no pain and you are able to relax and do whatever you like while your brain waves are being recorded. EEGs usually cost anywhere from $200 to $3,000 so take advantage of volunteering for a free EEG while you can. Additionally, one in 26 people will develop epilepsy in their lifetime. Since EEGs are most commonly used to identify epilepsy within individuals, this opportunity could either put to rest any worries you might have involving possible diagnosis’ or could help you identify what’s off and how you should be treating the problem.
Furthermore, if you know someone with epilepsy, undergoing an EEG could help you connect with that person on a personal level. It can be hard watching friends and family members going through something you can’t experience. However, this opportunity allows you to at least experience a piece of what epileptics go through. You could even volunteer with them!
In addition, participants will get to take home a digital copy of their brain waves that can be viewed on any PC computer. So not only will you be benefiting the NDT students who need to practice electrode application and recording EEGs, but you will be benefiting yourself as well as adding a few hours towards any volunteer time you might need for graduation.
The EEGs will be held in Building T, Room 320 on Wednesdays starting April 20 through May 25. The sign-up link can be found here!
For more information about this volunteer opportunity, click here or email the NDT Program Manager, Suzanne Lane, here.