Bellevue College to Launch Priorities Project

Photo Credit // Seamus Allen

Bellevue College, in its ongoing search for a permanent college president, has announced the beginning of the BC Priorities Project. This project seeks to properly account for all the voices, perspectives, and identities within and around the Bellevue College community. With this information available, the board will be able to decide on a candidate that will work well for Bellevue College and the city as a whole.

To lead this information-gathering initiative are four highly qualified individuals:

  • Zachary Morgan, Ph.D., the executive director of effectiveness and research;
  • Dennis Curran, the vice president of administrative services;
  • Brenda Ivelisse, Ph.D., the associate vice president for student affairs;
  • Liz Hollerman, the dean of the institute for business and information technology.

The project kicks off this month, November 2021. From now until the end of December, the team will be performing an environmental scan and doing stakeholder outreach. From there, for the next couple of months, they will gather feedback from stakeholders. Using that, they will create a synthesis report and then iterate on their priorities report for the next few months. The final plan will be presented and published in June 2022. Student participation during the project is critical. Without it, they will not be able to gain an accurate perspective of the priorities they need the new president to address. Be sure that you pay attention to your email and other communications from Bellevue College and the Priorities Project so that you can participate in focus groups, interviews, surveys, and more. This is an excellent opportunity to make your voice heard!

If you have questions or are looking for more information about the project, be sure to check out their website or send an email to