What is bird flu? According to Mayo Clinic, it is an infectious viral disease that primarily affects birds and mammals. Specifically, the “H5N1” strain is particularly severe within avian species, causing a high mortality rate amongst birds. Within humans, these symptoms can range from mild to severe. Some common symptoms are fever, issues breathing, pink eye, or an upset stomach.
Bird flu has been a source of worry as of late, due to the presence of bird flu found in milk, specifically, milk from Raw Farm, LLC. According to CDPH, consumers have been warned to not “drink one batch of cream top, whole raw milk from Raw Farm, LLC of Fresno County due to a detection of bird flu virus.” However, while raw milk is a health risk, pasteurized milk still remains safe to drink (this is due to the heating process, which kills the pathogens present in the milk).
The first outbreak of the H5N1 bird flu in dairy cows was reported on March 25, 2024, which caused a decrease in milk and meat production. Humans can get this disease from cows as well. The first instance of this was confirmed on April 1, 2024 by CDC.
According to the Washington State Standard, there have been two confirmed individuals in Washington State with bird flu. These individuals were working around contaminated poultry in Franklin County.
It is important to stay aware of this disease and take precautions when working with animals. Make sure to avoid contact with potentially sick animals, wear protective gear, and wash hands properly. Take care and stay safe.