Calling all visual or graphic artists ages 16-25 living in King, Kitsap, Mason, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston and Whatcom Counties! You can have the opportunity to create one of three original pieces of artwork to be featured on limited-edition ORCA cards in celebration of three new lines opening through the RapidRide Expansion program. The inspiration behind the project comes from the desire to bring engagement and connection with the community back into the simple process of paying your bus fare. After submitting your application and portfolio of six digital images of your own artwork created in the last three years, 4Culture will select three artists to work on each of the new lines. A Mentor Artist will assist the chosen cohort in their designs, guiding the artists all the way from the concept to the finished image, which will then be printed onto the front side of a limited-edition series of ORCA cards. Applications are due May 5, 2021, and more information about the project, including eligibility rules and how to apply, is available on the 4Culture website.