As human beings, we sit in front of our television screens and computer desktops idolizing our favorite Hollywood figures. Whether or not we want to admit it, what they have to say has strong effect on our own personal opinions. Stars that are keen to helping the environment will convince the rest of us to do the same. If there is one celebrity dedicated to making every lifestyle a green one, it is Leonardo DiCaprio, who is also on the Global Green’s board of directors. He is the man we all know and love for his appearances on Titanic and Inception. This actor is a firm believer in saving our planet. During the filming of Inception, DiCaprio pushed for the set to be powered by solar panels. “I try to live a green lifestyle, quote unquote,” he said. “I’ve done the things I can do in my house to make it green – energy efficient appliances, I drive a hybrid car, I have solar panels” said DiCaprio. He makes it a mission to change the world, not just as a famous actor, but as a supporter of helping this world.
Of course there are several celebrities that aim at “going green”. Most of the time, celebrities like Rachel McAdams post blogs about the environment and receive open opinions on the subject, while others, like Leona Lewis, have “eco-friendly” clothing lines. However, DiCaprio took a whole new approach to supporting the issue. On the web, this star has his own foundation called the “Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation” that is aimed solely at environmental issues. Also, a million dollars was donated to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) under his name to help save tigers from extinction. We are always asked the question – “what would you do with a million dollars”. Well, it is evident that with a million dollars, DiCaprio would help save this environment from disaster.
On top of DiCaprio’s previous contributions, the actor himself created, produced, and narrated a documentary entirely about informing and warning people about natural disasters that can start occurring when humanity is on a crash course with nature. “…I don’t think it takes an expert, and I’m not an expert on this issue by any means, to realize that our weather patterns are changing, serious things are happening around our planet that just don’t seem normal…” said DiCaprio during an interview with author Sheila Roberts. A man, who is known for his successful career in acting, has taken a huge step away from the typical Hollywood lifestyle.
“Going green” is a trend that all celebrities have started to follow; however, DiCaprio is the first man in Hollywood to have a movie set powered by solar panels, and the first man who created his own foundation focusing on environmental issues, donated millions of dollars to organizations, and produced his own home-made film about humanity vs. nature. Now, this is a dedicated star we can all look up to and idolize for more than just pretty looks and on-screen talent.