Winter Quarter is in full swing, and especially with it starting out at BC on a fully remote learning schedule, trying to keep pace with your classes can get very overwhelming. Luckily, Bellevue College wants you to succeed, no matter the challenges you are facing. There are plentiful tutoring services available for free to students with a wide array of topics.
The Academic Success Center at BC, or ASC, has a few categories of tutoring available. There’s drop-in tutoring, scheduled tutoring, and focused groups to assist in specific topics. For drop-in tutoring, I have found great help from the volunteers at the math, reading, and writing labs. It’s a low-stress and judgment-free environment, and it’s always so great to get a second set of eyes on an essay, help with a difficult math concept or any other related topic! The labs open on Microsoft Teams every morning, and you can also schedule appointments for specific times through the Bookings links in the Teams groups! You can join the Teams classes by heading over to the ASC section on the BC website here.
In addition to the labs, there are specific tutoring topics you can sign up for to get one-on-one help. You should feel free to meet with a tutor specialized in more than 50 different topics whenever you and a tutor are free. To sign up for those specialized drop-in sessions, the options are right here. Lastly, for shorter scheduled meet-up appointments, you can set up a time in a variety of topics for whenever works best for you by setting up a good time to meet for 30 minutes here.
Bellevue College is here to help, and wants to do what it can to help you succeed! College is tough, and Covid doesn’t make it easier. So next time you’re struggling in math, can’t get your conclusion to sound just right, or need to practice your ASL, the Bellevue College Academic Success Center is here for you!