Please state your name, age, high school attended.
Steve Ferreira, 23, Liberty High School
What initially sparked your interest in sports?
I was playing Wheelchair basketball and I was too old to play with my team. I was looking for another sport and someone suggested Field, i.e., shot put, discus and club. Once I tried it I knew it was going to be my sport.
How long have you been playing this sport? And where at?
I’ve been playing the sport since 2007. I practice with two coaches and during the summer I attnd the All-Comers meets at Shoreline Stadium. These meets are organized by Club Northwest.
What’s the primary reason you are playing?
The primary reason I’m playing is because it gives me a sense of achievement. The sport is something that I can compete in and makes me feel successful. I constantly strive to achieve a new personal best in the sport.
What’s the most important memory you have relating to playing?
My most memerable moments have been the three International meets that I have competed in. Of these two were in Europe – Switzerland and Czech Republic. They were both amazin experiences.
Outside of your sport, what are your other interests or hobbies?
One of my hobbies is lifting weights. I also like to do hand cycling. My greatest interest is motivation speaking. I have spoken over 75 times to local high schools, churches, rotary clubs and Kiwanis clubs.
What would you like to do with your future in education? Are you planning on getting a specific degree? (Basic overview).
My goal is to get a degree in Communications and Exercise Science. I would like to continue my motivational speaking and also help people compete in sports.
What’s the single most unique thing about you?
My personality – it’s very outgoing.